The Daily AUTUMN - Day One

There is a season for everything - For giving birth, for laying to rest For planting, for uprooting,
For building up, for deconstructing For mourning, for dancing

For scattering, for gathering
For holding close, for letting go
For trying, for giving up
For keeping, for discarding
For tearing down, for reconstructing A lot of what we will
Talk about this week
Will involve letting go

This is appropriate for Autumn: The season where days begin to Surrender into darkness
And the trees surrender their leaves As they change color

And fall to the ground

The poet-sage that wrote those Words in Ecclesiastes understood - That to move on,
To move forward, you must lay certain things to rest, and Put certain things to bed.

You have to un-construct, And give up
And let go
To move forward.

What are you letting go of?
What are you laying to rest,
As you keep the Autumn this year?

Lord, My days, My seasons Are in your hands

Help me to know what I need to let go of. Amen


The Daily AUTUMN - Introduction